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By: Anna Levesque I’ve been fortunate enough to paddle some of the bigger rivers in the world including the White Nile in Africa, the Slave River in the Northwest Territories, the Ottawa, the Grand Canyon, the Salmon and I highly recommend the big water experience...

By: Andrew Holcombe I'm going to take a moment to talk about catching eddies, actually what I really want to talk about is making it easy. No more almost making it but sliding out the back or struggling to cross the eddy line. Eddies can turn from your nemesis into...

By: Anna Levesque The word ‘yoga’ means ‘union’ and there are wonderful life lessons to be learned when we allow ourselves to feel ‘united’ with the waters that we paddle. That’s why I like to call what I’ve learned from water ‘The Yoga of Kayaking.’ In this article...

By: Brad Ludden Here are a few key pointers to get ready for big water. MOBILITY IS KEY! Avoiding injuries is better than rehabbing and most injuries can be avoided through mobility. Kayakers (myself included) usually have unique (to be read as BAD) posture from...

By: Corey Volt The Utah Whitewater Club did their unique part by making a deal with Corey that for every $100 they raised he would drink a bootie beer. So the night before we left for Switzerland Corey pounded 4 bootie beers. I will upload the video soon! We left...
