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Chris Gragtmans

By: Chris Gragtmans Surely that amount of positive energy being snuffed out could be sensed by every person alive. It felt to me like a celestial event- a supernova star with incomprehensible energy at the end of its life. Its death sends a shock wave out through the...

By: Chris Gragtmans While this is extremely fun to do, and is generally how the largest drops in the world are run, many people have trouble with getting themselves in the right mindset and zone for running a park and huck. It feels strange committing to something...

By: Chris Gragtmans I was amazed with the amount of interest in the raffle Green Boat to benefit AW. People were stoked about the one-of-a-kind Storm color, and it was cool to pull the winning ticket and award Sir Matt Redmond with his new boat. His buddies carried him...

By: Chris Gragtmans Snowy started this project by interviewing the whole Dagger team to see what it is that that they want in their dream freestyle boat. Somehow, he aggregated all of this information and began design on the boat around several core concepts: Ease of...